Bilderbuch Live @ Röda Steyr, FM4 Überraschungskonzert

Tonight (May 30th, 2015) the Austrian band "Bilderbuch" (engl.: storybook) played a surprise concert in Steyr. The concert was organized by Radio FM4 and the entry was free - first come, first serve.
The gig was a home match for the group around lead singer Maurice Ernst. They were being treated like superstars by the fans and they really deserved it. The detailed setlist can be found here.

Below are some impressions of the concert.
Bilderbuch Röda FM4 Überraschungskonzert

Maurice Ernst Stagediving Bilderbuch Steyr Röda

Bilderbuch Röda FM4 Überraschungskonzert Solo

Bilderbuch Röda FM4 Überraschungskonzert

This one is my favourite song by Bilderbuch. It is called "Ein Boot Für Uns".

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